Tips and Helpful Links

If you maintain a general air of enthusiasm, this helps the whole field (loved ones, institution, and community) which will help the loved one who is in a coma. -Dr. Mindell

Thoughts and prayer have the power to change physics. Statistics are only listed to be helpful to gauge the work that needs to be done.


Massive Stroke Recovery - From Flint Rehab website (Source: :
  • Doctors often underestimate how much you can recover after a massive stroke
  • If you are persistent, you can start walking (with the help of a walker or cane) within 6 months
  • Sometimes it takes longer, and sometimes it’s even sooner!
  • The amount of recovery that you experience is directly correlated to how hard you pursue recovery
  • Those who are determined and disciplined tend to recover more
  • 2 years after a massive stroke, patients seem to have regained significant function – enough to resume working and independent living
  • Having a positive attitude and strong faith is correlated with a higher recovery
You can recover whatever you put your mind to. And if you truly believe in yourself, you can have a speedy recovery.
If your doctors or therapists told you that you can’t do something, then kindly disregard their limiting beliefs and keep trying.
Just because someone said you’ll never walk again does NOT mean that you’ll never walk again. It’s simply a reflection of their limiting beliefs, and you can choose to have your own beliefs.
Always believe in yourself, and you can become stronger after a massive stroke.

Helpful Recovery Links: 

Good information, stages, emergence signs, and how to help:

Effectiveness of Sensory Stimulation to Improve Arousal and Alertness of People in a Coma 

Recovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis   coma science group


More Links:

Coma info:

Published estimates of doctors making mistakes among people with disorders of consciousness range from 15%-43%.2,3,4 according to:

Stages of Recovery:

90% of coma patients who open their eyes will regain a level of consciousness.

Eye opening in the first 30 days indicates a better prognosis.

Apallic patients (open eyes, non-responsive) can benefit from rehabilitation involving "sensory stimulation." Studies indicate these types of programs are helpful for patients who are at the boundary of coma and wakefulness.

The possibility of recovery from vegetative state (VS) depends on how long the state lasts. Bricolo (1980) followed 34 patients with post traumatic VS who opened their eyes spontaneously within two weeks of injury and 74% of those eventually achieved a satisfactory outcome. Of those whose eyes opened between the second and fourth week, 32% improved

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