
Richard Hammond explains what he experienced during his coma | 310mph Crash | Insight into non-local consciousness

Richard Hammond, a presenter on the popular car show "Top Gear," was involved in a serious car crash while filming in 2006. He was in a coma for weeks following the accident. However, he has since recovered and continues to work as a television presenter and journalist. In the video below, he discusses his experience with non-local consciousness during the coma, while his doctors were predicting a poor outcome and saying it was hopeless, his wife kept the faith. The video is short and it's a great story.

Home Caregiver Software Top 10 List

  Caregiver by CareZone - This app is like having a personal assistant for your caregiving needs. It helps you keep track of medications, appointments, and daily tasks. Plus, it's free! Caregiver by - This app is like a Swiss Army knife for caregivers. It helps you manage schedules, track medications, and even find local resources. Plus, it's backed by, a trusted name in the caregiving industry. Daily Care - This app is like a digital diary for caregivers. It helps you keep track of daily activities, medications, and appointments. Plus, it's easy to use and customizable to fit your specific needs. Caregiver's Companion - This app is like a personal assistant for caregivers. It helps you manage schedules, track medications, and even provides helpful tips and resources. Plus, it's backed by a team of experts in the caregiving industry. Caregiving by AARP - This app is like a one-stop-shop for caregivers. It helps you manage schedules, track medi

Hope manifested! Mother wakes from a coma after 5 years.

Doctors told Peggy Means her daughter Jennifer Flewellen would likely never wake up from her coma following a car accident, and advised Means to take her off life support. Means never gave up hope.

Woman In Coma Has Near-Death Spiritual Awakening & Realizes WHY WE ARE HERE | Anita Moorjani

In 2006, after a long battle with cancer, Anita Moorjani went into a coma, her doctor told her family that she had only a few hours left to live. During the 30 hours she spent in the coma, she had a profound near-death-experience where she was told the purpose of her life. In this episode, André sits down with her for an in depth explanation of what went on and the insights she gained from the experience. They discuss the root of all disease (and how we can heal ourselves with this knowledge), Anita’s perception of God and our true essence, reincarnation and much more. Anita provides practical tools and knowledge to help you live your most authentic life today and experience a more vibrant way of being.

Neuro News: Protecting brain cells with cannabinol: Research suggests CBN shows promise for treating neurological disorders

  Read the article here:

Neuro News: Thousands of Coma Patients May Be Conscious But We're Ignoring Them, Says Pioneering Neuroscientist + More News

  Bridging Brain Circuits with Lab-Grown Neural  Networks: Thousands of Coma Patients May Be Conscious But We're Ignoring Them, Says Pioneering Neuroscientist: All Neuroscience News All News About Disorders of Consciousness

Red Light Therapy is a Very Promising Treatment for Brain Injury, Stroke, Disorders of Consciousness and Many Other Neurological Conditions

Studies show red light therapy treats the following conditions: Photobiomodulation  therapy (PBM) or Red Light Therapy for Neurological Conditions (RLT) is  a type of treatment which uses light to help support brain health and performance . Red light works by stimulating cells in the brain called neurons and specifically a part of the neuron cell, an organelle called mitochondria. A comprehensive article can be found here: Home set-ups for red light therapy can be purchased at Amazon for as little as $50 up to several hundred dollars:  Full Body: Brain Only: Hats and other devices for Red Light Therapy are widely available across Amazon and the internet.  Red Light Therapy on Google Scholar:

The Psychology of Beating an Incurable Illness | Bob Cafaro | TEDxCharlottesville

  After a shocking diagnosis that would begin stripping Bob Cafaro of his ability to perform, sheer willpower and changes to his daily life allow him to beat all odds. Bob Cafaro played chamber music full time and served on the faculty of the University of Virginia until 1983 when he became a regular with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. He later joined the Baltimore Symphony and in 1985 became a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra. In 1999, Bob was stricken with a virulent case of Multiple Sclerosis, which left him nearly blind and without the use of his hands. Defying what doctors had told him, he made a complete and remarkable recovery and has since written a book, been a member of The Rachmaninov Trio since 2003, and has grown passionate in his involvement with volunteer and outreach activities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Healing illness with the subconscious mind | Danna Pycher | TEDxPineCrestSchool; Human Healing Unlocked: transforming suffering into wellbeing | David Reilly | TEDxFindhornSalon

Surviving an accident was the easy part; coping with the chronic pain would prove more difficult. Danna Pycher shares her story about trauma and the transformative insight she gained that allowed her to harness the healing power of the subconscious mind. Danna Pycher is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Hypnotherapist specializing in chronic illness and trauma. She is also a motivational speaker and coach. Her first book 3rd Generation and Beyond is a beautiful, powerful book of life philosophies according to a third generation Holocaust descendant. " A must read for the young and old who are trying to find an identity or just need a reminder on how to appreciate the little things in life." She enjoyed many years in broadcasting as an on-camera host, reporter, and producer working in the fields of health reporting and corporate productions. Her curiosity about the nature of human beings is what guides her professional pursuits. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED c


Minimally conscious people are being re-evaluated for degrees of consciousness many thought they never had. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports for "60 Minutes."

How Patients with Unresponsive Wakefulness Communicate

 " Our research combines neuroimaging (MRI and EEG), with cognitive studies in brain-injured patients and healthy participants. We study patients who have sustained brain injuries that result in disorders of consciousness. We also study patients with neurodegenerative diseases in order to understand more about the causes and consequences of the memory, perception and reasoning problems that many of them experience. Finally, we develop web-based tools for the assessment of cognitive function, both in healthy participants and in patients with disorders of the brain."

Use of the Term "Vegetative State" is Dehumanization in Its Most Literal Form

By   Sherry Phipps The term “vegetative state” has been used in the medical field for decades to describe patients who have lost cognitive function due to severe brain injury. However, the use of this term is increasingly being criticized for its dehumanizing connotations. This article explores why the term is problematic and suggests alternatives that respect the dignity of patients. The Problem with the Term The term “vegetative state” is derived from the word “vegetable,” implying a lack of consciousness or awareness. This comparison is not only scientifically inaccurate but also deeply disrespectful. It reduces a human being, with their unique history, personality, and potential, to the status of a plant. Moreover, the term can lead to harmful misconceptions. It may cause people to believe that these patients are incapable of experiencing pain or emotions, which is not always the case. Some research suggests that certain patients in a so-called vegetative state

The Four Score: A Revolution in Coma Grading

  By   Sherry Phipps Coma grading is a critical aspect of neurological assessment, providing vital information about a patient’s condition and prognosis. Traditionally, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) has been the gold standard for this purpose. However, a new tool, the Four Score, is gaining recognition for its comprehensive and nuanced approach to coma grading. What is the Four Score? The Four Score is a clinical grading scale developed by renowned neurologist Dr. Ronald Wijdicks and his team at the Mayo Clinic. It assesses four key aspects of a patient’s neurological function: eye response, motor response, brainstem reflexes, and respiration. Each category is scored from 0 to 4, with a total score ranging from 0 (deep coma) to 16 (fully conscious). Advantages of the Four Score The Four Score offers several advantages over traditional coma grading scales: Comprehensive Assessment : The Four Score provides a more detailed neurological assessment by evaluating brainste

Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Disorders of Consciousness

Preliminary studies have suggested that stimulation of vagus nerve  can enhance the levels of DOCs in both unresponsive wakefulness state (UWS) and minimally conscious state (MCS) . The following video shows a few ways to get started even if you don't have access to the treatments in the studies.

Music therapy is a powerful and effective form of treatment.

  By   Sherry Phipps Music therapy is a powerful and effective form of treatment that can be used to improve the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of individuals of all ages. This innovative approach to healthcare uses music as a tool to help people express their feelings, improve communication, and promote healing. Music therapy can be used to help individuals with a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, autism, and chronic pain. It is also used to help people with physical disabilities, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, to improve their mobility and coordination. One of the key benefits of music therapy is its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Music has a calming effect on the body and can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This can lead to improvements in mood, anxiety, and sleep. Another benefit of music therapy is its ability to improve communication and social skills. Music can be use

Breakthrough Brain Implant Technology for TBI

  After suffering a traumatic brain injury in 2001,  Gina Arata would often trip over things, get mad easily, and forget basic information. Today, however, a tiny implant is enabling Arata to live more like her pre-accident self. The device delivers targeted electrical stimulation to a part of the brain’s thalamus, with the goal of  “overdriving” it to restore brain function  — similar to how a pacemaker restores heart function, the researchers said.  Read the full article here:

Highly Recommended Reading: Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness by Dr. Joseph J. Fins

Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness by Joseph J. Fins is a book that examines the ethical and social issues surrounding patients with severe brain injury who are at the edge of consciousness. The book is based on the author's experience as a physician, bioethicist, and researcher in the field of disorders of consciousness, such as the vegetative and minimally conscious states. The book tells the story of Maggie Worthen and her mother Nancy, who fought for Maggie's right to receive adequate care and rehabilitation after she suffered a devastating stroke that left her in a minimally conscious state. The book also explores the scientific advances in neuroscience and neuroimaging that challenge the conventional view of brain injury as a static and hopeless condition, and reveal the potential for recovery and communication in some patients. The book argues that society owes these patients a duty of care and respect, and calls for a reform of

Speak Up For Cures - Breakthroughs in Brain Research - Ted Talks

The talk below is about Alzheimer's Disease, but the same goes for all conditions of the brain.  Caregivers who are busy 24/7 often do not have the time or energy left for advocacy.  Patients are often not able to speak for themselves, yet abnormal conditions of the brain affect millions of people. Chances are, everyone who reads this will eventually know someone or care for someone or even be someone with an abnormal condition of the brain. It is more likely than all cancer added together. Yet, many of these conditions have the potential for cures and life changing treatments. For that to happen, we must push for it. Watch this video to find out more about how the research happens and where to put pressure for change. 

40 Hz Sound Therapy Helps Brain Function and Motor Activity, According to MIT Study

Research has shown that 40 Hz vibrations can have a positive impact on the brain. A study by MIT scientists found that Alzheimer’s model mice exposed to 40 Hz vibration for an hour a day for several weeks showed improved brain health and motor function compared to untreated controls 1 . The study also showed that gamma frequency tactile stimulation can affect brain activity and improve motor function 1 . Another study by MIT researchers tested the safety and efficacy of 40-hertz sensory stimulation to treat Alzheimer’s disease and found that the potential therapy was well-tolerated, produced no serious adverse effects, and was associated with some significant neurological and behavioral benefits among a small cohort of participants 2 . While there is still much to learn about the effects of 40 Hz vibrations on the brain, these studies suggest that it could be a promising area of research for treating brain disorders. Dr. Lee Bartel also does research in the field of sound healing. See